7 Advantages of iPhone 6 Plus in landscape mode No split screen, yet, and iKeywi is still pretty imperfect. I upgraded my Air, and while I don’t feel TOO bad about it, I do miss Activator and LastApp and Auxo. I will be jailbreaking asap for sure. The worst thing about the custom keyboards of ios 8 is
ios7 - force landscape ios 7 - Stack Overflow 2013年9月30日 - force landscape ios 7. No problem. ... I've tried to following methods to force landscape on one my views: .... iOS - Force Landscape Orientation.
Landscape Mode ONLY for iPhone or iPad - Stack Overflow 2010年4月15日 - edit the plist to only support landscape, then make sure that in every uiviewcontroller/uitabbar etc., in the shouldAutoRotateToInterfaceOrientation , the ...
Force iOS app to launch in landscape mode - Stack Overflow 2012年1月20日 - I am developing an app for iOS 5, which have to run in landscape ... In your application's Info.plist file, add the UIInterfaceOrientation key and set ...
SBFlip is one of the first tweaks to work on iOS 8 only One of the major differences between the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus is that the latter is capable of changing the Home screen’s orientation. In other words, you can change from portrait to landscape mode on the Home screen when using the iPhone 6 Plus
How to make an iOS app Landscape ONLY - Stack Overflow There are new methods introduced that you have to implement along with the old one they are as below -(BOOL)shouldAutorotate { return YES; } ...
ios - how do you make an app ONLY support landscape? - Stack ... how do you make an app ONLY support landscape? No portrait mode ... My naive answer is to add this method in all of your root view controllers:
ios - Xcode - Only ONE VIEW landscape mode - Stack Overflow Have this in your App Delegate: -(NSUInteger)application:(UIApplication *) application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow ...
iOS: If only landscape orientation is enabled, app with a wrong ... 16 Oct 2014 ... Are you sure you're creating a landscape-only application? If you've got a universal iOS app can you please make sure the Info.plist for both ...
Has Apple ever refused an app because it was only working on ... There are apps in the App Store that support only portrait or only landscape, .... of non-game mobile apps (iOS and/or Android) that use landscape-only design?